Leading Edge - Extra Sharp
RAZOR Oiltools Limited is a service company providing intervention and P&A solutions to the global oil and gas industry, RAZOR is developing the RAZORBOSS plug and play platform of intervention tools. RAZORBOSS is a unique, non-explosive/ non lithium downhole linear force generator capable of delivering from 20,000 to 150,000 lbs of force envelope dependent on the tool size required for the application.
RAZORBOSS currently delivers the RAZORSET adapter for plug, packer, patch, straddle setting, the RAZORPUNCH & RAZORBLADE adapters for punching tubulars for circulation or equalisation, the RAZORRAM adapter for fishing of stuck objects or valve manipulation. Our latest product is the RAZOR RPLUG which is a compact retrievable bridge plug. RAZORBOSS can be run in memory mode via mechanical slickline, real time on either real time slickline or electric line, coiled tubing, sucker rod or jointed pipe providing our customers with cost effective, safety conscious and reliable services.
The RAZORBOSS alkaline battery packs are recyclable ensuring that RAZOR is doing our bit in reducing our carbon foot print. RAZOR offers our customers easy to use, cost effective technologies that are non hazardous and can be mobilised at a moments notice. Watch this space for additional tools being added to our service offering in coming months.
RAZOR was founded to offer alternative intervention tools to the intervention services market which will assist our customers in reducing or eliminating lost time associated with logistics issues created by existing tools use of hazardous materials. Explosives (and to a lesser extent lithium batteries) can create what is now unnecessary non productive time.
Additionally, we aim to offer an alternative to expensive electric line methods for mechanical tubing and casing cutting, watch this space!
address: Units 1 & 2, Burnside Industrial Centre, Wellheads Road
Dyce, Aberdeen, AB21 7HG
mail: razorweb@razoroiltools.com
phone: +44 (0) 1224 473682